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Add to Cart
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'); $('#text' + customisations[i].ID).on('input', function () { var c = this.selectionStart, r = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\ \.\,\:\;\!\?\+\-\=\<\>\(\)\[\]\{\}\|\\\/\`\~\@@\#\$\%\^\&\*\'\"]/gi, v = $(this).val(); if (r.test(v)) { $(this).val(v.replace(r, '')); c--; } this.setSelectionRange(c, c); var reduced = false; while (customisationOutOfPrintArea($(this).val(), customisations[i])) { reduced = true; customisations[i].FontSize--; } if (!reduced) { while (!customisationOutOfPrintArea($(this).val(), customisations[i]) && customisations[i].FontSize <= customisations[i].OriginalFontSize) { customisations[i].FontSize++; } customisations[i].FontSize--; } editResultCustomisation($(this).attr('data-customisation-id'), $(this).val()); printCustomisations(); }); })(i); } printImages(); printCustomisations(); } function getPrintArea(print_area_id) { for (var i = 0; i < selectedVariantCustomisation.CustomisationData.PrintAreas.length; i++) { if (selectedVariantCustomisation.CustomisationData.PrintAreas[i].ID == print_area_id) { return selectedVariantCustomisation.CustomisationData.PrintAreas[i]; } } } function getPrint(print_area_id) { for (var i = 0; i < selectedVariantCustomisation.CustomisationData.Prints.length; i++) { if (selectedVariantCustomisation.CustomisationData.Prints[i].PrintAreaID == print_area_id) { return selectedVariantCustomisation.CustomisationData.Prints[i]; } } } function variantChanged(variant_id) { initResultCustomisations(variant_id); if (isCustomisationOn(variant_id)) { $('#canvas_images, #canvas_customisations, #product-block--customisations, #add-personalisation').show(); $('.flickity-viewport, .purchase-details__buttons>button[name="add"]').hide(); selectedPrintAreaID = getDefaultPrintAreaID(variant_id); selectedVariantCustomisation = getVariantCustomisation(variant_id); if ($('#product-block--customisations').length == 0) { $('.product-block--form').append('
'); } var printAreasHtml = '
' + '
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' + '
' + selectedVariantCustomisation.CustomisationData.PrintAreas[i].Code + '
' + '
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'italic ' : '') + (customisation.Bold ? 'bold ' : '') + customisation.OriginalFontSize + 'px ' + customisation.FontName; if (customisation.Align == -1) result = 0; else if (customisation.Align == 0) result = context_customisations.measureText(customisation.DefaultText).width / 2; else if (customisation.Align == 1) result = context_customisations.measureText(customisation.DefaultText).width; else result = context_customisations.measureText(customisation.DefaultText).width / 2; context_customisations.restore(); return result; } function customisationOutOfPrintArea(text, customisation) {; context_customisations.font = (customisation.Italic ? 'italic ' : '') + (customisation.Bold ? 'bold ' : '') + customisation.OriginalFontSize + 'px ' + customisation.FontName; var original_size = context_customisations.measureText(customisation.DefaultText).width context_customisations.font = (customisation.Italic ? 'italic ' : '') + (customisation.Bold ? 'bold ' : '') + customisation.FontSize + 'px ' + customisation.FontName; var current_size = context_customisations.measureText(text).width context_customisations.restore(); return original_size < current_size; } function printImages() { img_mockup = new Image(); img_mockup.src = selectedPrint.GraphicImageSnapshotSource; img_mockup.onload = function () { img_shadow = new Image(); img_shadow.src = selectedPrintArea.ShadowImageUrl; img_shadow.onload = function () { context_images.fillStyle = selectedVariantCustomisation.CustomisationData.Color.Hex; context_images.fillRect(0, 0, canvas_images.width, canvas_images.height); context_images.drawImage( img_mockup, 0, 0, img_mockup.width, img_mockup.height, selectedPrintArea.OffsetLeft + selectedPrint.GraphicImageLeft, selectedPrintArea.OffsetTop + selectedPrint.GraphicImageTop, selectedPrint.GraphicImageWidth, selectedPrint.GraphicImageHeight); context_images.drawImage( img_shadow, 0, 0, img_shadow.width, img_shadow.height, 0, 0, canvas_images.width, canvas_images.height); } } } function printCustomisations() { //context_customisations.translate(newx, newy); context_customisations.clearRect(0, 0, canvas_customisations.width, canvas_customisations.height);; for (var i = 0; i < resultCustomisations.length; i++) { (function (i) { var customisation = getCustomisation(resultCustomisations[i].ID); if (customisation) { var myFont = new FontFace(customisation.FontName, 'url(' + customisation.FontName + '/' + customisation.FontName + '.ttf)'); myFont.load().then((font) => { document.fonts.add(font); context_customisations.fillStyle = customisation.Color; context_customisations.textAlign = getAlignment(customisation.Align); context_customisations.textBaseline = 'top'; context_customisations.font = (customisation.Italic ? 'italic ' : '') + (customisation.Bold ? 'bold ' : '') + customisation.FontSize + 'px ' + customisation.FontName; var textAlignX = getTextAlignX(customisation); context_customisations.fillText(resultCustomisations[i].Text || resultCustomisations[i].DefaultText, selectedPrintArea.OffsetLeft + customisation.Left + textAlignX, selectedPrintArea.OffsetTop + customisation.Top); context_customisations.restore(); }); } })(i); } } $('#add-personalisation').on('click', function () { var submitButton = $(this); var submitButtonSpinner = submitButton.find('.spinner'); submitButton.attr('disabled', true); submitButtonSpinner.removeClass('hidden'); var customisation = { HtmlMockupRatio: 1600, Personalisations: [] }; var texts = []; for (var i = 0; i < resultCustomisations.length; i++) { if (resultCustomisations[i].Changed) { var print = getPrint(resultCustomisations[i].PrintAreaID); resultCustomisations[i].ProductVariantID = print.ID; texts.push(resultCustomisations[i].Text); customisation.Personalisations.push(resultCustomisations[i]); } } if (customisation.Personalisations.length > 0) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", cache: false, data: JSON.stringify(customisation), success: function (response) { if (response != null && response.success) { onCustomDesignSave(response.reference, texts) } else { alert(response.responseText); submitButton.attr('disabled', false); submitButtonSpinner.addClass('hidden'); } }, error: function (response) { alert("Something went wrong..."); submitButton.attr('disabled', false); submitButtonSpinner.addClass('hidden'); } }); } else { var main_form = $('main').find('form[action = "/cart/add"]'); if (main_form.length == 0) { main_form = $('form[action = "/cart/add"]'); } main_form.submit(); } }); $('select[name="id"]').on('change', function () { variantChanged(this.value); }); variantChanged($('select[name="id"]').val()); //$('.gallery-cell.product-gallery__thumbnail').on('click', function () { // variantChanged($('select[name = "id"]').val()); //}); } else { console.log(response); } }, error: function (response) { console.log(response); } }); } else { $.ajax({ url: '' + + '/IsPersonalisationEnabled', type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', cache: false, success: function (response) { if (response != null && response.success && response.result) { var main_form = $('main').find('form[action = "/cart/add"]'); if (main_form.length == 0) { main_form = $('form[action = "/cart/add"]'); } var submit_button = main_form.find(':submit'); if (submit_button.length == 0) { submit_button = main_form.find('button[name="add"]'); } $('
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